Alan Davie


Alan Davie was a Scottish Abstract painter (1920-2014) born in Grangemouth, near Edinburgh and studied at Edinburgh College of Art in the late 1930s. He was inspired by American Abstract Expressionists. Davis travelled widely and in Venice, he becomes influenced by other artists of the time. Like Jackson Pollack, Davie stood above his canvas and painted which helped create his own unique style. Davie was inspired by world cultures and incorporated what he saw into his art. Known for his vitality and sense of freedom, Davie also explored other areas of art including jewellery making, writing poetry and playing jazz music.

Art collections and museums owning work by Alan Davie include the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Modern Art, National Galleries of Scotland, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Tate Gallery, and the Art Gallery of New South Wales.


Alan Davie Art Gallery

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